As the HIGH-value pin, the light emitting diode is activated, whenever the pin is LOW. Pin-13(LED): The inbuilt LED can be connected to pin-13 (digital pin). Pin1 (TX) & Pin0 (RX) (Serial): This pin is used to transmit & receive TTL serial data, and these are connected to the ATmega8U2 USB to TTL Serial chip equivalent pins. The 14 digital pins on the Arduino Uno can be used as input & output with the help of the functions like pinMode(), digitalWrite(), & Digital Read(). The suggested voltage range will be 7 volts to 12 volts. Similarly, the batteryleads can be connected to the Vin pin and the GND pin of the POWER connector. The adapter can be connected to the Arduino Uno by plugging into the power jack of the Arduino board. The external power supplies mainly include AC to DC adapter otherwise a battery. The Arduino Uno power supply can be done with the help of a USB cable or an external power supply. The Arduino UNO board description is discussed below.
The Arduino Uno board can be built with power pins, analog pins, ATmegs328, ICSP header, Reset button, power LED, digital pins, test led 13, TX/RX pins, USB interface, an external power supply. DC Current for each input/output pin is 40 mA.
The input voltage ranges from 6v to 20V.The recommended input voltage will range from 7v to 12V.