Based on these quick reviews, you will get a clear idea about the software that suits your work and meets your needs. Some of these pieces of software are available on Mac and Windows while others are available only on Windows. Every software offers different features to users. Some of these pieces of software are made to do 2D drafting only, and others can do 2D drafting and 3D modeling. We will be talking about the different 2D drafting software that exists on the market. Free and open-source architecture softwareĢD drafting can help you polish the concept and develop your idea it also helps you transform a sketch into a technical plan.Mobile apps for architecture and architecture apps for iOS.Find out, how does architecture affect society?.Your first question is probably is architecture really hard.Therefore, if you are into architecture, you may find the following posts interesting to you: It has been described as a social art and also an artful science. Architecture is a passion, a vocation, a calling – as well as a science and a business.